[pyclewn] own gdb commands
Sebastian Wölke
2013-08-14 18:00:09 UTC

I currently use vim with pylcewn to debug my cpp programms.

To debug STL-containers like vectors or maps comfortablely I added a
recommended script to my .gdbinit file (
http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/GDB-Commands.html#STLDEREF). This script
adds a few commands like pvector (print vector) or pmap (print map) to the
gdb command set. Is it possible to use this commands in my vim environment?

I tried :Cpvector but vim responses always with: "E492: Not an editor
command: Cpvector" and I didn't find any solutions in the manuals.

Xavier de Gaye
2013-08-28 14:00:30 UTC
Post by Sebastian Wölke
I currently use vim with pylcewn to debug my cpp programms.
To debug STL-containers like vectors or maps comfortablely I added a
recommended script to my .gdbinit file
(http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/GDB-Commands.html#STLDEREF). This script
adds a few commands like pvector (print vector) or pmap (print map) to the
gdb command set. Is it possible to use this commands in my vim environment?
I tried :Cpvector but vim responses always with: "E492: Not an editor
command: Cpvector" and I didn't find any solutions in the manuals.
Hi Sebastian,

Sorry for the long delay. Try inserting a space between 'C' and the
command, as in:

:C pvector

This is documented in the 'Commands' section of chapter 4 "Using pyclewn"
within pyclewn help.

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